offers trademark registration filing services at a fraction of the price. You provide us with your trademark information, and we take it from there.  In addition, you will work directly with a trademark attorney, who will first conduct a comprehensive trademark search and second provide the trademark registration filing. Then we’ll update you throughout the process.

Below displays information regarding each package.

Our Trademark Filing Services

(Simple USPTO Search Service -$499* or $899* (for two, normally the additional logo)

1. Complete Our Online Form

We start by reviewing the information provided in our form. We ensure that all proper info is received prior to drafting and filing the application. This includes the following:

  • Confirming proper owner
  • Confirming proper and accurate description, and one that will comply with USPTO rules
  • Confirming the type of application (whether it is based on intent to use, actual use, a foreign registration)
2. We File Your Application

Within 1-4 business days we draft and file the application. The timeframe is highly dependent on confirming all the information with the client. The sooner we can confirm the trademark information the sooner we can file the application. Our attorney will draft your application and send it to you for review of the information and signature. The USPTO requires you sign the application, and at the same time this allows you to review what we’ve put in the application and confirm its accuracy.

3. Continuous Updates

Our law firm will contact you as your application moves through the USPTO application process so that you know exactly where your application stands and what to expect next. The typical timeframe for an application with the USPTO is 8-11 months before it is registered. Our law firm will keep you updated through this time.

4. Communications with the USPTO Examiner

Where required, we will correspond with the USPTO Examiner, at no additional cost for non-substantive responses.**

5. Email the US Trademark Registration

Once the trademark registers, we’ll email you the trademark information from our firm detailing any maintenance dates, and attaching the gold seal USPTO registration.

Our Comprehensive Trademark Search & Filing Services

Please see below for our trademark search and/or registration service package details:


Comprehensive Trademark Search Service ($599)*

1. Comprehensive Trademark Search

We start by conducting a comprehensive trademark clearance that involves searching the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database, trademark databases for all fifty states, common law trademark databases, and domain name databases. Typically, the trademark search takes 5-10 business days (highly dependent on number of results). To ensure the best results for our clients, our trademark search is more comprehensive and complete than an “exact match” screening. For example, if your mark is GREAT we would locate the name GR8 within our results.

2. Legal Opinion Letter

After we conduct the trademark clearance search, we draft a legal opinion letter based on those results. We will then email you that letter along with the trademark search report for your review.

3. Phone Consultation with a Trademark Attorney

Our attorney will contact you for a consultation regarding these results. We’ll provide legal advice on how to proceed based on the search. We will provide answers to all your trademarking questions.

Trademark Registration Filing Service ($899)*

Includes all the above features of the Comprehensive Trademark Search Service plus the following:
4. Discounted Trademark Search

If we provide you with the legal opinion that you are unlikely to register your trademark because of conflicting mark you can receive a second trademark search for the discounted price of $199 (normally $299). You can decide on any other name and we will run another comprehensive search. We will provide you a second opinion via email accompanied with another report detailing the marks found in the second trademark search.

5. Trademark Registration Filing Online

Once we have discussed your trademark search results, our trademark attorney carefully drafts and files the application for one international class of goods/services with the USPTO through their online service. The trademark registration filing is submitted within 48 hours of your approval. Then begins the 8-11 month process of the USPTO. The USPTO will respond to the application within about 3-4 months, then once approved, it is another 5-6 months to register.

6. Trademark Attorney Monitors Your Application

After the trademark registration filing, we monitor the status of your application, respond to non-substantive Office actions** and notify you of any required responses to the USPTO. Basically, we keep you updated through the trademark registration process.

7. Federal Trademark Registration Certificate Emailed to You

Once the trademark registers, we’ll email you the trademark information from our firm detailing any maintenance dates, and attaching the gold seal USPTO registration.

Trademark Registration Filing Plus Logo Service ($1,299)*

Includes all the above services, 1-7, for both your name and your logo separately.

8. We file your design and word mark the proper way, separately.

We conduct two separate searches, we provide two separate legal opinions, we file two separate applications with the USPTO.

  • The word mark protects your name in any style, design, font, or capitalization, and will prevent other similarly worded marks from registering in similar class, based on your earlier filing/registration.
  • The design mark protects any design aspects with your mark. Think Twitter, they own the word TWITTER, but also the little blue bird design mark, the blue bird filing essentially prevents any other social networking service from using a bird.

*The USPTO government fee for filing a U.S. trademark registration is $350 per international class depending on the filing basis as well as any changes or amendments during the application process. Intent-to-use applications filed on a 1(b) basis will incur an additional total fee of $299 (USPTO filing fee of $150 for filing an Amendment to Allege Use or a Statement of Use or $125 for Statement of Use 6 Month Extension, included). Clients have the option to add additional classes to the registration for a legal fee of $150 per class plus the required government fee.

**Non-substantive Office actions are defined as Office actions related to issues with the legal entity status or citizenship of the applicant, the identification of goods or services, improper specimens, or improper dates of use. Substantive Office actions (not covered) are based on more complicated problems identified by the Examining Attorney and require a more thorough analysis. Substantive Office actions include, but are not limited to, statutory prohibitions, such as refusals based on likelihood of confusion, mere descriptiveness (or generic marks), misdescriptiveness, surnames, or scandalous marks. Upon receipt of a substantive Office action, we will provide a free evaluation to determine whether or not the issue can be resolved and provide an estimate of the fees associated with responding to the Office action.