Comprehensive Trademark Search

The First and Most Important Step.
  • Comprehensive Search of the USPTO Federal Trademark Database
  • Comprehensive Search all 50 States’ Trademark Databases
  • Trademark Common Law Search
  • Trademark Domain Name Search
  • Drafted Legal Opinion Letter and 30 Minute Follow-Up with Licensed Trademark Attorney

Trademark Search and U.S. Registration

Start Protecting Your Name Today!
  • Everything Listed Under the Comprehensive Trademark Search Service
  • Attorney filed Federal Trademark Application
  • Non-Substantive Responses with USPTO**
  • Docketed updates with emailed notifications throughout the USPTO process

*Does not include the USPTO application filing fee of $350 per international class. Does not include additional filing fees for intent-to-use applications, such as filing a Statement of Use. Additional class fees are not included in the cost above. Each additional class is $500 (includes $350 USPTO fee) per application.
**Non-substantive Office actions are defined as Office actions related to issues with the legal entity status or citizenship of the applicant, identification of goods or services, improper specimens, or improper dates of use.

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U.S. Registration of Name and Logo

I Have a Word Mark & Logo!
  • Everything Listed Under the Comprehensive Trademark Search Service for Name & Logo
  • Attorney Filed Federal Trademark Application for both Name & Logo
  • Non-Substantive Responses with USPTO**
  • Docketed updates with emailed notifications throughout the USPTO process

*Does not include the USPTO application filing fee of $350 per international class. Does not include additional filing fees for intent-to-use applications, such as filing a Statement of Use. Fee is per word mark and logo combination. Additional class fees are not included in the cost above. Each additional class is $500 (includes $350 USPTO fee) per application.
**Non-substantive Office actions are defined as Office actions related to issues with the legal entity status or citizenship of the applicant, identification of goods or services, improper specimens, or improper dates of use.

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The name of your business or the name of the product you sell is perhaps the most valuable asset you or your company will own. Because of this, it is important that you protect these valuable assets with a federal trademark registration. Our trademark registration filing services are not just simple but also affordable. Above you’ll find our US trademark filing service options. Below you'll find a quick reference guide regarding our filing options and other commonly asked questions regarding the trademark filing services.



Our U.S. trademark filing service in a nutshell

The goal of our law firm is to simplify your life when it comes to filing your trademark application and acquiring your U.S. trademark registration.

Our trademark filing service process includes:

  1. You fill out one of our online forms for the trademark service you select
  2. We confirm our representation as your trademark attorney
  3. Your assigned trademark attorney sends you the trademark search results advising you on the odds of success to register your trademark
  4. The trademark attorney calls you to review the trademark search results
  5. The trademark filing is complete by the attorney on your behalf, after your review and signature
  6. Once approved, your mark registers
  7. Our law firm sends you the trademark registration packet in the mail

Trademark Registration Service Simplified

We provide a simple professional solution for your trademarking needs. We strive to provide quality easy to use service by offering the following:

  • Easy to use online forms
  • Personal representation from an actual trademark attorney
  • Phone consultations with your trademark attorney whenever is convenient for you
  • Legal advice regarding the registrability of your trademark
  • Filing of your trademark by a licensed attorney
  • Easy to understand trademark status updates

Why do I need to file?

Filing your trademark application and obtaining US registration affords you benefits that you would not attain otherwise.

  • Exclusive right to use the trademark in the US
  • Ability to sue someone in federal court to protect your trademark
  • You can prevent the importation of counterfeit goods
  • Prevent others from obtaining a federal trademark for any confusingly similar trademark

Why do I need a trademark search?

As you can see, our US trademark filing services include a comprehensive search. This trademark search helps us determine the availability of your mark with the federal register, lets you know of any potential issues regarding the registrability of your trademark, as well as informs you of any use by other businesses that may be similar. Also, our legal advice is included with any service.

  • To make sure you will be successful registering your trademark
  • To find out about any other confusingly similar use by other businesses
  • To ensure you are not or will not infringe on another’s trademark

What information do you need from me?

  • We just need the information from our trademark service form. Just select the service you'd like to above to access our forms.

How long does the process take?

  • Our search can take anywhere from 3-15 business days. It's highly dependent on the number of results we get for your trademark. We work diligently to make sure you wait as little time as possible.
  • After we send you the search results we can file in 48 hours. We'll send you information we need confirmed. Once confirmed your application is processed.
  • The USPTO government process is a bit longer. The current wait to hear back from the USPTO is about 3-4 months. Then it takes about 5-6 additional months to register. It can be longer if you file an intent to use application.