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Providing U.S. trademark services throughout the U.S. and across the globe.
  • Lower Cost
  • Faster Process
  • Experienced Trademark Attorneys

File a Trademark for $399 + $250 Government Filing Fee

Trademark Attorney Working With Clients in Albuquerque, NM

If you're an entrepreneur, you know that protecting your intellectual property should be high on your list when it comes to safeguarding your company. However, as a successful business owner, you also know the steps and costs of filing a trademark in the U.S. can be expensive and arduous.

This conundrum can be even more overwhelming for new business owners who want to do everything possible to minimize the price of securing trademarks. They try to handle complicated tasks like trademark registration on their own, which can be a big mistake - especially when juggling the day-to-day tasks of running a business. You may be thinking, "But what about those set-it-and-forget-it services you can find online? All you have to do is plug in your info, and you're done." Using pre-made templates for trademark filing can be tempting, but doing so can leave you with inadequate protection and hurt you in the long run.

So, what is the easiest, most cost-effective route to consider that also minimizes legal risk? The truth is, before you spend money on an online filing service, it's best to consult with a trademark attorney working with clients in Albuquerque, NM.

At Sausser Summers, PC, our experienced trademark attorneys can help you understand the trademark process step by step. We can even help with U.S. trademark filing, U.S. trademark responses, and U.S. trademark renewals at a price you can actually afford. That way, you can make an informed decision regarding your business without having to break the bank.

Sausser Summers, PC: Simplifying the U.S. Trademark Process

Hiring an attorney can be a daunting task, but at Sausser Summers, PC, our goal is to make the process as simple and seamless as possible for you. That's why we offer a straightforward checkout service. First, you choose your flat fee trademark service and fill out a short questionnaire. Then, we will contact you within 24 hours to discuss the details of our service. From there, one of our experienced trademark attorneys will get to work on your behalf.

Using a trademark attorney for filing in Albuquerque, NM, can significantly increase your chances of a successful registration. The U.S. government recommends hiring a trademark attorney to help with your application, and our team of trademark lawyers is dedicated to meeting your needs. In fact, we help ensure your application is filed correctly the first time so you can get on with your life and avoid legal risks.

At Sausser Summers, PC, we work closely with our clients to understand their needs and provide them with sound professional advice. We never offer incomplete services, such as simply filing for registration, because that would leave you open to legal risks. You can rely on us to handle your intellectual property matters, and our flat fee services can help protect your business in a simple, straightforward, and affordable way. It's really that simple.

In terms of filing a U.S. trademark, we provide an easy three-step process to protect your intellectual property:

1. You provide your trademark info to our team via an online form.

2. Our team performs a comprehensive trademark search. This search ensures that no other marks will prevent you from registering your trademark in the U.S. Once performed, we'll send you a legal opinion letter that details our findings.

3. Sausser Summers, PC, files your U.S. trademark application. We are then listed as your Attorney of Record on file. From there, we'll provide ongoing updates regarding the status of your trademark as it works through the registration process.

The bottom line? At Sausser Summers, PC, we give both new and seasoned business owners an easy, efficient, cost-effective way to protect the one asset that sets them apart from others: their name.

Online Trademark Attorney Albuquerque, NM
The bottom line?

At Sausser Summers, PC, we give both new and seasoned business owners an easy, efficient, cost-effective way to protect the one asset that sets them apart from others: their name.

Do I Really Need a Trademark Attorney for Protecting My Business in Albuquerque, NM?

It's not necessary to be a lawyer in order to apply for a trademark. Anyone can submit a trademark application to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). However, registering a trademark involves more than just filling out a form. It's essential to conduct thorough research, accurately identify and clearly explain your trademark to ensure it receives adequate protection. And even after securing a trademark, you've got to monitor it consistently to make sure it's free from infringement.

The big takeaway here is that it's always a good idea to work with a trademark attorney to protect the intellectual property that you've worked so hard to establish. According to the Wall Street Journal, applicants are approximately 50% more likely to secure their trademark than people who file applications on their own. If your trademark application is rejected by the USPTO, you will need to revise and refile it, incurring additional filing fees. To avoid delays and extra costs, it is best to have a trademark lawyer help you get it right the first time.

Additional Benefits of Using a Trademark Attorney

Great trademark attorneys (like those you'll find at Sausser Summers, PC) will help with every step of filing and enforcing your trademark. Some additional benefits include the following:

Check to see if your proposed trademark is registered by another entity.

Conduct research to see if another business is using the trademark for which you're applying.

Provide advice and guidance on the strength of your trademark.

Draft and submit your trademark applications and application revisions.

Advice and guidance regarding trademark maintenance and protection.

Monitor the market for unauthorized use of your trademark.

Trademark enforcement to protect you against infringement.

 Online Trademark Lawyer Albuquerque, NM

Curious whether our trademark attorney services are right for you and your business? Contact Sausser Summer, PC, today. Let's talk about what you need, and how we can help.

What About Online Filing Services?

Online services, can provide you with basic assistance in filing your trademark. However, they will never be a legitimate substitute for an experienced trademark attorney helping clients in Albuquerque, NM.

 Trademark Attorney Albuquerque, NM

Although online filing services offer a step-by-step process, they take a one-size-fits-all approach to preparing legal documents. Even their advanced service only provides basic attorney assistance in completing your paperwork and helping with minor roadblocks. Online filing services' disclaimer highlights the many limitations of its services, including the fact that communications are not protected by attorney-client privilege. In addition, online filing services cannot provide advice, explanations, opinions, recommendations, or any kind of legal guidance on possible legal rights, remedies, defenses, options, selection of forms or strategies.

In other words, online filing services can offer you the necessary forms and point you in the right direction, but they cannot customize their services to your specific needs or help you with serious complications that may arise.

For the most comprehensive trademark service and protection, it's always wise to work with highly rated trademark lawyers, like you'll find at Sausser Summers, PC.

Understanding Trademarks Over Time

Trademarks in the U.S. can last indefinitely, but did you know that clients in Albuquerque, NM can file a trademark online, only to lose protection in some circumstances? Trademarks differ from patents and copyrights in that they do not have an expiration date. However, to prevent the cancellation of a trademark, you must maintain it. To ensure that your trademark remains protected, you must actively use it in commerce and renew it with the USPTO every ten years.

The Lanham Act tells us that "use in commerce" is the legitimate use of a trademark in the ordinary course of trade. In other words, you cannot register a trademark solely to reserve the rights to it in the future. In most cases, a trademark must be used continuously in connection with the goods or services it is registered for.

 Trademark Law Firm Albuquerque, NM

Steps to Renew Your Trademark

Trademarks are registered with the USPTO and generally need to be renewed every ten years. However, there is one crucial exception that you should be aware of. Within the first ten years of owning a trademark, you must file for renewal between the fifth and sixth year from the date of your initial registration.

During this renewal period, you are required to submit a Section 8 declaration, a specimen that shows how the mark is being used, and pay the required fee. You can also apply for Section 15 Incontestability status, which can strengthen your trademark rights. This application, although not mandatory, can make it harder for others to challenge your ownership of the mark.

After the first renewal, which falls between the fifth and sixth year of ownership, the next renewal filing is due between the ninth and tenth year, and then every tenth year thereafter. In the ninth year you will need to file a Section 8 declaration, attesting to your use of the mark or excusable nonuse. You've also got to file a Section 9 renewal application before the end of the tenth year to keep your registration active.

It is worth noting that the USPTO provides a six-month grace period if you fail to renew your mark within the required time frame, but it is best not to rely on it. If you don't file within the grace period time limits, the USPTO will cancel and expire your mark.

By hiring trademark attorneys helping clients in Albuquerque, NM, you can avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that can arise and cause you to lose your rights to the mark that represents it.

Losing Your Trademark Rights Through Abandonment

In the event that you stop using your trademark and have no plans to resume using it in commerce, it may be considered abandoned by the USPTO. This could result in the loss of your protective rights to the mark. Typically, a trademark is assumed to be abandoned if it has not been used for three years. However, you may be able to refute this presumption by providing evidence that you intend to use the mark again in the future.

Losing Your Trademark Rights Through Inappropriate Licensing

In addition to trademark abandonment, you should also be wary of improper licensing. It's important to remember that once you allow someone else to use your trademark, you must keep an eye on how they use it. You should monitor the products or services that feature your trademark to ensure that they meet consumers' expectations in terms of quality. Failure to do so can lead to a "naked" trademark license and the loss of your protective trademark rights.

How to Avoid Having to Refile Your Trademark

If you're wondering how you can avoid refiling your trademark, the answer is simple: file it correctly the first time around. Filing a trademark isn't inherently difficult, but when doing so, it's very important that certain aspects are filled out accurately in your application. If any information is missing or incorrect, the trademark application may be considered "void ab initio" or void from the beginning, requiring you to file again.

To avoid this, make sure that the information you provide in the application is accurate and complete, including the ownership of the trademark. For instance, if a corporation has multiple shareholders, it should not file under the President's personal name. The rightful owner should be the one/entity that ultimately controls the trademark and the associated goods/services.

It is also important to ensure that the goods and/or services description is precise. For example, if you sell electronic products, you should not file for research and development services despite having a research and development department. The goods/services description should reflect the goods/services you offer to customers, not the departments within your business.

Additionally, providing accurate dates of first use when filing for a trademark is crucial. The USPTO requires two dates to be specified - the date of first use anywhere and the date of first use in interstate commerce. Contact our trademark law office today to learn more about having accurate dates on your filing paperwork.

 Trademark Lawyer Albuquerque, NM
 Trademark Firm Albuquerque, NM

What Makes an Online Trademark Attorney Great?

At Sausser Summers, PC, we often get questions about how to distinguish run-of-the-mill consultants and others from great trademark attorneys. After all - when you're looking for an attorney to file or prosecute your business trademark, you should know their qualifications. Here are three ways you can separate the proverbial wheat from the chaff when it comes to trademark attorneys.

It's crucial to seek legal advice from a licensed trademark lawyer rather than relying on advice from non-professionals like trademark consultants. The USPTO even recommends hiring an attorney to help with the trademark process. Although trademark consultants may provide advice on trademark availability or name marketability, they cannot file the trademark for you or offer legal advice. According to the Rules of Practicing in trademark cases, "Individuals who are not attorneys are not recognized to practice before the Office in trademark matters." This rule applies to individuals who assist trademark applicants.

When searching for a trademark attorney, it's important to find someone with a strong background in trademark law. Look for an attorney who specializes in this area and has significant experience handling trademark-related cases. Avoid lawyers who don't have expertise in this field, as they may not be able to provide the guidance and support you need.

Ensure your attorney provides updates throughout the trademark registration process to avoid missing deadlines, including responding to any Office actions within six months. Failure to do so can result in trademark abandonment. The USPTO will only correspond with the listed attorney of record, so make sure your attorney keeps you informed.

In summary:

  • Be sure you're using a licensed trademark attorney helping clients in Albuquerque, NM.
  • It's best to work with a trademark lawyer who has years of experience filing trademarks.
  • Ensure that your trademark lawyer is willing to provide ongoing notifications relating to your trademark application process.
 Trademark Registration Lawyer Albuquerque, NM

Trademark Attorneys Working Hard for You

Building your brand and gaining recognition for it is a significant achievement, and it's important to protect it. However, there are certain pitfalls and mistakes that can arise, causing you to lose your rights to the mark that represents it. By working with knowledgeable trademark attorneys, you can avoid these issues and file your trademark successfully.

With an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Sausser Summers, PC, offers comprehensive guidance, strategic advice, and reliable representation for a variety of trademark matters. Our attorneys have years of real-world experience and, having registered countless trademarks with the USPTO, provide our clients with individualized representation when they need it most.

If you're looking for skilled, adept, and experienced counsel, look no further than our trademark law firm. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and learn how we can help you safeguard your brand.

Latest News in Albuquerque, NM

Iconic ‘Breaking Bad’ house up for sale for $4M

Iconic ‘Breaking Bad’ house up for sale for $4MALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The iconic house in Albuquerque, known to the world as Walter White’s home in “Breaking Bad,” is officially up for sale for $4 million.The homeowners let KOB 4 take a look, and it’s the first time cameras have ever been allowed inside.Even more than a decade after the show ended, it still draws tourists from all over the world. Fans take pictures outside day and night, but most people aren’t allowed inside...

Iconic ‘Breaking Bad’ house up for sale for $4M

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – The iconic house in Albuquerque, known to the world as Walter White’s home in “Breaking Bad,” is officially up for sale for $4 million.

The homeowners let KOB 4 take a look, and it’s the first time cameras have ever been allowed inside.

Even more than a decade after the show ended, it still draws tourists from all over the world. Fans take pictures outside day and night, but most people aren’t allowed inside.

Joanne Quintana and her siblings grew up in the northeast Albuquerque home and own it. Their parents, Fran and Louis Padilla, bought it back in 1973.

Then, one random day in 2006, a knock at the door changed their lives.

“My mother never ever answers the door, and she did. They introduced themselves and handed her a card and said, ‘We would like to use your house for a pilot.’ And she’s like, ‘You want to buy a bridge in Brooklyn? What are you talking about?’” said Quintana.

Fiery Fran confirmed that the project was legit, and it was just a pilot, so they took the leap. Two weeks later, filming began.

“We were, like anybody, it’s a once in a lifetime thing. You got to meet the actors, the actresses, you got to see how they set up the equipment and what it all takes,” Quintana said.

Despite popular belief, they only used the inside of the home for gear, and prep – not for scenes.

The family was there for the iconic pizza scene. Joanne says they had boxes of pizzas lining her sidewalk in case Bryan Cranston didn’t get it on the first take, but he nailed it on try one.

For the pivotal scene when Skyler walks into the family’s pool, the family snapped a photo as they filled the pool with 90-degree water to make the actress comfortable.

Fran always had cookies for the crew.

“What was funny was Bryan Cranston could not eat not one cookie. Because he had cancer in the show, so he was losing weight. So he would pass, but everybody, all the directors, all the writers would eat the cookies. The last day of shooting, he takes a picture holding my mom’s biscotti because he finally got to eat her cookies,” said Quintana. “Aaron Paul had to grunt and get angry to get into his character of Jesse. That was awesome. And the magic of Hollywood, nobody will ever get to experience what we did.”

Then the show became an international sensation.

“The fans started coming. We would go out there, my mother and I, and we would take pictures with them,” Quintana said.

But when did it start to get to a point where they had to put the fence up?

“Around 4:30 in the morning, the doorbell rang, my mom got up and opened the door, and it was a package,” said Quintana.

The package was addressed to Walter White at the Padilla family’s home, so they called the bomb squad.

“My brothers said that’s it, we’re done, fence is going up. That’s too close for comfort is the front door,” Quintana said.

Now, cameras alert them when someone is outside.

“We average 300 cars a day. Come Balloon Fiesta, hundreds of thousands come for balloons. Balloons go up, they come down. Where do they come? Here,” said Quintana.

As Quintana’s parents got older, it got harder for her to protect them inside.

“Nobody knew that there was two people very sick, eventually on hospice, and eventually passed away,” Quintana said.

Now, she says it’s finally time to sell.

“This was our family home from 1973, almost 52 years. So we’re going to walk away with just our memories. It’s time to move on. We’re done. There’s no reason to fight anymore,” said Quintana.

Zillow estimates the 1,900-square foot home would go for under $350,000, but the family only got paid a fee per shoot, no residuals.

With the multi-million dollar price tag, the family expects that it won’t be a family home anymore, and they don’t think it should be.

“I hope they make it what the fans want. They want a BnB, they want a museum, they want access to it. Go for it,” Quintana said.

For years, people have shown up with luggage, scammed into thinking they rented the home. A speedo-wearing man paid a thousand dollars for a dip in the pool.

“This is what they want. They want the iconic pool,” said Quintana.

David Christensen with eXp Luxury and Ryan Johnston with InterPhase Entertainment are selling the home. For more information, visit www.walterwhiteshouse.com.

NM State Treks to Albuquerque for New Mexico Team Open

LAS CRUCES, N.M. – Traveling a lighter roster to the Dr. MLK Jr. Invitational last weekend, NM State returns to Albuquerque for the New Mexico Team Open, hosted by the University of New Mexico. Action begins at the two-day meet on Friday, Jan. 31 at approximately 3:30 p.m. Fans can follow along with the action live on FloSports, with live results available at this ...

LAS CRUCES, N.M. – Traveling a lighter roster to the Dr. MLK Jr. Invitational last weekend, NM State returns to Albuquerque for the New Mexico Team Open, hosted by the University of New Mexico. Action begins at the two-day meet on Friday, Jan. 31 at approximately 3:30 p.m. Fans can follow along with the action live on FloSports, with live results available at this link. The Starting Line

Aggie Accolades

DMR60m, 200m60m, 200m, 400m, 4x400Shot put4x400Long Jump, Triple JumpDMRShot put60m HDMRDMR60m, 200m200m, 400m, 4x400

– 200m dash (23.52 seconds) – 60m Hurdles (8.21) – Shot Put (16.10 meters)

– 60m dash (7.59 seconds) – 800m (2:16.10), Mile (5:03.21) – Weight Throw (15.53 meters)

Where We Stand

– Shot put (1) – 60m Hurdles (3) , , , – 4x400 (3) – 200m (4) – Weight Throw (5), Shot put (10) – 200m (5) – 60m (8), 200m (7) – Shot put (8) – 60m (8) – 800m (8)

Fresh Faces

Dual Sport Star

One Year Ago… | New Mexico Collegiate Classic | 2.2-3.24

For complete coverage of NM State Track & Field, visit NMStateSports.com - the official home of Aggie athletics - and follow us on Twitter (@NMStateXCTF), Instagram (@NMStateXCTF), and like us on Facebook (NMStateTrackXC).

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NM film leader joins global industry board, boosting state's cinematic profile

A New Mexico Film Office manager joined a global industry board, highlighting the state's growth in international filmmaking.The New Mexico Film Office announced Jan. 28 that Senior Program Manager Rochelle Bussey has been appointed to the Association of Film Commissioners International Board of Directors.Bussey’s appointment to the AFCI Board strengthens New Mexico’s presence in the international film industry and showcases the ...

A New Mexico Film Office manager joined a global industry board, highlighting the state's growth in international filmmaking.

The New Mexico Film Office announced Jan. 28 that Senior Program Manager Rochelle Bussey has been appointed to the Association of Film Commissioners International Board of Directors.

Bussey’s appointment to the AFCI Board strengthens New Mexico’s presence in the international film industry and showcases the state’s leadership in developing film-friendly policies, programs and partnerships, according to the release.

The appointment recognizes Bussey's contributions to the film industry and dedication to promoting New Mexico as a premier filming destination. In her role at NMFO, she has managed relationships with productions, spearheaded opportunities for New Mexicans and provided critical support to filmmakers.

Bussey will join a diverse group of 16 members representing Africa, Canada, Europe, the Oceanic territories, South America and the United States.

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"Rochelle’s expertise and leadership have been instrumental in the growth of New Mexico’s film industry. This is a well-deserved recognition of her dedication and a testament to the high caliber of talent within the New Mexico Film Office," NMFO Director Steve Graham said.

“I am deeply honored to join the AFCI Board of Directors,” Bussey said. “Growing up in Santa Fe and working in this industry for over two decades, I’ve seen firsthand how film can transform communities and create opportunities. New Mexico is a place of rich culture, diverse talent and breathtaking landscapes. I’m excited to bring those stories to a global stage while working with my peers to ensure film production remains a powerful force for economic and creative growth worldwide.”

The current board will serve throughout 2025. In September 2025, an election will be held for board officers whose two-year terms conclude at the end of the year.

The NMFO has celebrated many distinctions this year, including topping MovieMaker Magazine’s list of the Best Places to Live and Work as a Moviemaker, and global recognition for its Film Crew Advancement Program.

New Mexico Film & TV Productions

# Estimated local employment

RankPrior RankProject title
11The Cleaning Lady: Season 3
22The Lost Bus
33Untitled Vince Gilligan Series

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NM attracts R&D facility from Quantinuum

Quantinuum bolsters New Mexico's position as a leader in quantum technology with new investment.Global company Quantinuum intends to build a research and development hub in New Mexico, which has worked to position itself as a base for quantum technology innovation.The integrated quantum computing company, which has headquarters in Denver and the United Kingdom, announced the move Jan. 21.The new site, yet to be selected, will support its ongoing efforts around photonics technologies to further the company’s product...

Quantinuum bolsters New Mexico's position as a leader in quantum technology with new investment.

Global company Quantinuum intends to build a research and development hub in New Mexico, which has worked to position itself as a base for quantum technology innovation.

The integrated quantum computing company, which has headquarters in Denver and the United Kingdom, announced the move Jan. 21.

The new site, yet to be selected, will support its ongoing efforts around photonics technologies to further the company’s product development.

Quantum computing requires fairly stringent environmental measures along with high precision labs and infrastructure that’s not usually readily available, Rajeeb “Raj” Hazra, Ph.D., president and CEO of Quantinuum, told Albuquerque Business First.

For this reason, the company is exploring all options, he explained, and due to the company’s target of being up and running by the end of 2025, a more readily available site with a viable talent pool is most attractive.

The governor's office proposed a legislative package and invited Quantinuum as an ecosystem anchor tenant. Outside of that, the company is engaging with the New Mexico Economic Development Department on incentives.

New Mexico has one of the largest concentrations of quantum research in the United States with the presence of Sandia National Laboratories, the Air Force Research Lab and the University of New Mexico. As a result, a consortium of partners in the state have worked to position it as a hub for quantum technologies.

As part of its Tech Hubs program, in July 2024, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration designated Quantinuum’s headquarters state of Colorado as well as New Mexico as leading hubs for quantum information technology, making The Land of Enchantment an ideal location for Quantinuum to locate its research and development hub.

Additionally, New Mexico Quantum Moonshot, a collaborative initiative between national laboratories, universities and private sector entities, has been invited as one of only four groups nationwide to submit a full proposal to the National Science Foundation’s Regional Innovation Engines program. The award would provide up to $160 million over 10 years to project teams trying to create groundbreaking technology and bring it to market.

Part of the company’s decision to locate it’s research and development hub in the state can be attributed to Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum’s joint forces to become Quantinuum as Honeywell International, Inc. manages Sandia through its subsidiary, National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, Hazra explained.

“[I have] a deep awareness and appreciation and admiration for the depth of talent in New Mexico ecosystem,” Hazra said.

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“We were aligned in in objective with New Mexico. We were aligned in the need for, ‘Why now?’ Because we have to get this already started and grown for us to deliver our road map, and we were aligned in heart, because it felt like the right place based on the years of working with various ecosystem partners,” he added.

Quantinuum’s research and development goals have been made specific, Hazra explained. One main area of focus is integrated optics, a core technology fundamental to building quantum computers, and making them larger and more powerful.

The power of a quantum computer comes from the number of qubits, the basic computing units the computer has, and specifically how good they are, or their “fidelity.”

Optics is critical to managing those qubits, reading and setting their value, moving them, and understanding their state. The integrated part is critical in building larger and more powerful machines with more qubits as the correct levels of integration contribute to ensuring the system’s engineering is enabled for highly complex systems, explained Hazra.

“It is a capability that is of strategic value to us, because it is the key driver of scalability, right? And so that's the specific technology that we will be advancing and accelerating through our presence in New Mexico and our investment and our increased investment in this area for our roadmap,” said Hazra.

Quantinuum plans to be the first company with 100 logical qubits in 2026 and hundreds of logical qubits and 10s of 1000s of physical qubits by 2029. These are machines with the potential to help with drug discovery, run large supply chain optimization problems, look at new materials for refrigerants and fertilizers and understand new energy sources.

“The real value from quantum computing is not 30 years away, it's in the next three to five years. And we absolutely expect New Mexico to be both a leader and have been a beneficiary of being an early mover in this technology area,” said Hazra.

Fastest Growing Companies

% Revenue growth

RankPrior RankCompany name
11Terraplen Architects-Builders
22Dyron Murphy Architects PC
33DLM Southwest Collision

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Five New Mexico chefs named semifinalists for James Beard Awards

James Beard Awards semifinalists have been announced, eight of whom are in New Mexico.The James Beard Awards announced its 2025 Restaurant and Chef Awards semifinalists on Jan. 22, with five New Mexico chefs on the list.James Beard Foundation, which runs the awards, is a nonprofit that supports and elevates restaurateurs in the United States. This is the 35th anniversary of the awards, which were established in 1990.Don’t miss the latest Albuquerque business headlines! ...

James Beard Awards semifinalists have been announced, eight of whom are in New Mexico.

The James Beard Awards announced its 2025 Restaurant and Chef Awards semifinalists on Jan. 22, with five New Mexico chefs on the list.

James Beard Foundation, which runs the awards, is a nonprofit that supports and elevates restaurateurs in the United States. This is the 35th anniversary of the awards, which were established in 1990.

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There are 25 different categories and New Mexico restaurants, chefs and servers have eight total semifinalists for the awards, five of which are chefs in the state. This is up from six semifinalists in the state in 2024 and four semifinalists in 2023. The categories include:

Outstanding Wine and Other Beverages Program:

Outstanding Bakery:

Outstanding Professional in Cocktail Service:

Best Chef Southwest:

Outstanding professional in cocktail service is a brand-new category created this year, along with two other categories focused on beverages for the anniversary of the awards.

The last time a New Mexican won a James Beard Award was in 2022 when chef Fernando Olea of restaurant Sazón in Santa Fe won the Best Southwest Chef Award.

Nominees will be announced on April 2. Winners will be announced at a ceremony on June 16, at the Lyric Opera of Chicago.

A full list of semifinalists can be found on the foundation’s website.

New Mexico Restaurants

Dinner entree, average price

RankPrior RankBusiness name
11Vernon's Speakeasy
22Bien Shur
33Level 5 - Rooftop Restaurant & Lounge

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 Trademark Legal Fees Albuquerque, NM
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